Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Special Effects

CGI not included
by Awni Issa

'Inception', Christopher Nolan's opus to the dream world, is an exploration into the subconscious and the limitless possibilities it holds.  

One example of these limitless possibilities is a scene in which one of the stars (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is suspended in mid-air giving the appearance of weightlessness.  So how do you make a dream world in our physical reality?  For this, Nolan incorporated a rare camera technique called "the camera toss" in which an entire room is constructed on revolving hydraulics and the camera is mounted, along with every object within the room, to be stationary.  

Once the room begins to revolve 360 degrees, only the actors are seen moving in what appears to be zero gravity, allowing them to seamlessly run on walls and ceiling.  Harnesses were attached to the actors to achieve the breath-taking fight scene in which Gordon-Levitt fights off his attackers while jumping from wall to wall in a smooth, fluid motion.

"Camera Toss" Example:

Awni Issa is Green Advertising's  video producer 

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